USER® NFT Art & Music Collection MP4s

Support Original Art & Music

USER is a sound creator from Vancouver, Canada who has released 11 albums independently and is a registered trademark. He produces NFT art and music for print and NFTs. USER continues to pen more tunes than ever, but the vaults are still full of unfinished works. The clock is always ticking and USER in lockdown fever came as a blessing as more unreleased music was released upon the world. “The Rise of the Technocrats” is the next album for USER, compiled of previously unreleased and new material. As with the entire global community, we have seen the further alienation of humanity into a touchless non-individualistic culture dropped into a hive-mind mentality. Expect a timeless collection of songs that hint at a glimpse of the unfolding Technocratic world through the musical mind and ears of USER.

Listen To USER® Music For Rock, Pop & More

Kitty Come On – USER®

Zoe Cat Art & Music Collection Print and NFTs

USER is the NFT artist in collaboration with Liza J. Lee for the Zoe Cat Art Collection for print and NFTs.

Zoe Cat is the mascot for The Art Party, Endorser of Earth Charter®. Zoe Cat is a calico with green eyes, mostly white, then orange and black striped fur who brings good luck for startups and solopreneurs.  She lived with Liza and hung out while she worked from her home office. She also greeted guests with “Mew” on Zoom or Skype.

Calicos are believed to bring good luck in the folklore of many cultures, including the US, and is referred to as money cats. The symbol of the money cat is aka as the lucky cat in Feng Shui; it is most commonly used in businesses, such as retail stores, restaurants, and offices. The lucky cat or money cat is mainly used as a wealth and prosperity cure, as well as to attract good luck.

Buy one or more Zoe Cat Print for good fortune “In the Year of the Cat”! ?

ISRC#- CAU132233001 Kitty Come On NFT Remix SOCAN Song Work#- A2873528 Author Composer IPI#-226294764


USER Available for Your Custom Pet Cats & Dogs Portraits

USER is available for your custom pet cats and dogs portraits. We require a 50% deposit to start and the final payment of 50% is after the original art is completed.

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USER Customized Zoe Cat Print from Photos Provided by the Artist, Liza J. Lee

Pet Portraits